Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome to the (tomato) jungle

For some reason, unbeknownst to either one of us, our tomato plants, particularly our heirloom tomato plants, seemed to be growing and growing and growing and growing and growing...(you get the idea).  Initially, we tried to "handle" the situation.  Using a few leftover stakes and some trellises, we attempted to reinforce the tomato plants so they would stop toppling over and tangling with their neighbors.  But, as soon as we had one windy/thunderstormy kind of day, they'd all fall over again into a massive clump, as you can see below.

Soon, it became evident that we had 2 problems:
  1. Our beds were too shallow, meaning we couldn't shove the stakes into the ground deep enough in order to support the weight of our tomato plants.
  2. Our stakes were too short for our plants.  Or, to put it another way, our tomato plants were just WAY TOO TALL (duh, because we are such adept gardeners). And by tall, I mean very tall. These plants, when straightened, were well above my head. 
I'll pause here so those of you more irreverent readers can get all the short jokes out of your system....

Okay! And we're back.  So yes, we were having some major tomato problems.  I bet you're all chomping at the bit, anxious to know what we did to solve this problem, am I right??!!  Well I'll tell you-

Absolutely nothing.

Maybe next year we won't plant so many tomato plants.  And we'll definitely get some taller stakes.  

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