After spreading our dirt throughout the backyard, we decided to throw the rest of the dirt into the Hefty garbage bags we had purchased. Again, no plan here. I guess we just assumed that those garbage bags would miraculously transport themselves from the backyard to the front with little to no effort on our part. But, as we filled a couple bags, only halfway might I mention, and realized, even half full, they were so heavy we could only move them by dragging them, we called for a time-out and had a proper discussion on the dirt removal process. It was at this point that we had our first semblance of a plan. Upon inspection, we saw that the fence on one side of our backyard, by our alleyway, has a door that opens to the next yard over, which is also connected to the street. So, we decided that we'd drag all the bags to the alleyway, and then hope that the people next door would at some point allow us to drag all these bags through their yard and into the street. Whereupon, the car that neither one of us owns, would be sitting there waiting for us, in a parking spot which is normally not available, so we could easily load up the bags and drive to the dump that may or may not exist in our neighborhood. Easy peasy. Both of us agreed on what a great idea this was and began to drag the bags toward the alleyway.
(Bags abandoned in alleyway)

An hour or so later, we came up with what we thought to be an even better plan. So the back side of our backyard faces an empty lot- it's one of those lots that is basically all dirt and weeds, with a few scattered bushes and what not. So we thought, why not throw the dirt over the fence and into the lot? Sounded good to us. Of course...we didn't want to get caught doing it, so we decided we'd do it at NIGHT. Yup, that was our plan- be super sketchy and throw dirt into the empty lot next to us in the darkness. So for the time being, we decided to drag all the bags toward the back fence instead of the alleyway. Our process was as follows: Fill a bag with dirt (takes about 1 minute), take turns straining with the weight of the bag and dragging it toward the back fence (takes about 5 minutes), repeat. Soon we had a nice little trail of bags leading to the back fence. Once we finished digging out the garden, we were too tired to deal with the bags of dirt. We decided to figure it out another day...
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