And so it begins... After several failed attempts at delivery, due to the garden store owner’s extreme flakiness, which consisted of a no-show on the first delivery date, a miscommunication on the second delivery date, and a 2 hour delay on the third delivery date, our soil arrived! We stood aside as the soil was carried through the apartment (our attempts to help were almost laughed at- 40 pound bags of soil are not as easy to carry as you might imagine) and watched in anticipation as the bags piled up in the backyard. Meanwhile, our landlord, who had happened to stop by that day, stood in the doorway, at first shaking his head and laughing at our garden aspirations, but then quickly becoming more and more horrified as the number of soil bags continued to arrive. We tried to placate him by painting a picture of a quaint little garden with luscious, ripe veggies poking through the greenery, but his stress levels continued to rise as he pictured, not a quaint veggie garden, but rather a massive construction zone.
Next steps:
- Buy some gardening gloves and gardening shears- there are some aggressive looking shrubs in our current garden that need to be uprooted.
- Buy some giant, heavy-duty bags to put all the old dirt in. Eventually we’ll have to cart all this old dirt to some sort of dump.
- Recruit more gardeners to help dig! Our next-door neighbors expressed some interest...
- Start digging!!!
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